Planet Cognac, Unitribe, The Brain Trust and presents...PRISM

By Planet Cognac (other events)

Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:30 PM EDT Sat, Apr 27 2013 4:30 AM EDT

Planet Cognac, Unitribe, The Brain Trust and present... PRISM


We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to bring you a transformational night of music, art, collaboration and intention at a special space tucked away in the heart of Brooklyn. While we would've loved to host this event at the Shaolin Temple, the expected attendance surpasses the capacity of that space. In the interest of including more people and extending the event into the wee hours of the morning, we've decided to change the venue to 80 Vernon Ave. in Brooklyn. This space will be teeming with top quality sound, custom visual enhancements and the high vibrational flow that is a signature element of our events. We hope you can join us!





Technicolor Lenses


Hot Jambalaya

Digital Vagabond

Fourth Odyssey (members of Tech Lenses)


Celebrating the release of Technicolor Lenses new album "Oracle"!


Friday, April 26th

Taking place at 80 Vernon Ave., Brooklyn NY 11206 

Doors: 7:30pm - LATE